Cool Chick Conservancy

 Welcome to my final Spanish action project! For this action project we were asked to create a non profit organization. We were asked to use vocabulary we learned in this unit. We also created an audio recording that promoted our non profit organization. Below you could also see the poster my group created with all he information on our organization. Now what organization did we create? We created a farm animal conservancy and petting zoo. This organization is based in Rajasthan, India. You can read and hear more about our organization below.

EM, Cool Chick Conservancy, 2023                                                                           EM, Cool Chick Conservancy, 2023

EM · cool chicks conservancy

Script: Hola gente, nosotras somos parte de una organización llamada "cool chicks conservancy". Pedimos su ayuda en recaudar voluntarios para nuestra organización sanctuaria para animales de granja. Nos gustaría obtener voluntarios para ayudar a limpiar los espacios, alimentar los animales. También buscamos voluntarios más políticos como activistas y un gerente para mantener estructura en nuestra organización. 

Trabajaremos juntos para mantener el orden en nuestros locales. Por ejemplo limpiaremos los establos y la granja. Prepararemos comida saludable y nutritiva para los animales. Los voluntarios activistas ayudademos a sacar la palabra sobre la crueldad animal. Y el gerente será el que manejara lo financiero y general.

I really enjoyed this Action project. I enjoyed taking something I love (animals) and creating something bigger. If it were possible I would want to make this project come to life. I learned a lot this unit and hopefully it shows in my project!


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