social media an independent study

        In my argument class we have studying what makes a good argument. We looked at the Declaration of Independence,We looked at other countries and how they declared independence. We learned about inductive and deductive reasoning and we looked at the structure and definition of a good argument. We also watched lectures from a professor from Yale and have read Howard Zinn's a people history of the United States as well. For this action project we were given the task to declare an independence study we thought would be useful. I decided to declare that we study social media. 



Purpose of education: 

The purpose of school and learning in my opinion is to give students an opportunity to expand their knowledge and provide life skills to become a well rounded citizen. Students need to know about the real world and what it has in store for them.

Unalienable rights:

Unalienable rights are the right to education, freedom of speech and privacy. This is an expression of them because we are using our freedom of speech by talking about what we think should be a study. We also have the right to education because we are educating my peers and others about my topic. 

why I think we should study social media:

I think we should study social media because it is important as a student body to understand the pros and cons of social media use. Social media is used on a daily basis by almost everyone, but this is especially used by teens. What is portrayed on social media isn't always true therefore, i feel like this could be a useful study. 

Social media can take a toll on someones mental health. I just want social media to have less of an effect on the ways teenagers think and see themselves, but can also know that social media could have it pros like advertising small businesses, spreading awareness, etc. Social media should be taught to simply inform students about the different aspects of it. 


P1: social media is used daily

P2: not everything on social media is true 

P3: social media can have a big impact of teens 

C: therefore, social media should be studied 

desire outcomes:

1. student will deeper understand social media

2. less students will be strongly affected by social media

3. students will go into the real world knowing not everything on social media is real

4. gain more confidence knowing they are perfect the way they are



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